Rebecca D Hofer, 66, of the Hillside Hutterite Colony, passed away at her home on January 5, 2012 of natural causes. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 am on January 8 at the Hillside Colony with burial to follow in the colony cemetery.
Rebecca was born to Rev David and Elizabeth Hofer on July 19, 1945 at the Sunny Site Colony at Warner, Alberta. She moved to the Hillside Colony in 1951. She helped out in the colony any place she could. Her hobbies were knitting and singing.
Rebecca is survived by her siblings, Mary Wurz, Dave Hofer and Jake Hofer of Hillside Colony; Elizabeth Wurz of Glacier Colony; Justina Waldner, Susie Waldner and Lydia Waldner of East End Colony; Katie Waldner of Camrose Colony; Anna Entz of Clover Leaf Colony, Alberta; and Sara Waldner of Macmahon Colony, Saskatchewan. She is preceded in death by her beloved parents, Rev David and Elizabeth Hofer, and twins, Mike and Rachel.